Saturday, July 23, 2011


        Greetings my people, I am currently typing to you via my new macbook pro. It's dreamy... like a spaceship throwing up glitter. I have been patiently waiting for the day it would arrive on my doorstep for some time now (it was supposed to be my graduation present two months ago and my mom and I share our procrastinating gene) but earlier this evening the day finally came. Then I had to hurry up and go to work basically as soon as I signed my name and snatched it out of the postman's arms (I closed the door without even realizing he was trying to hand me the printer I ordered with it also). Before I could even lay one crawly finger on the sleek, handled box, I was throwing on a Pineapple Willy's t-shirt and had to hurdle myself out the door. It was worth it though to wait until I got home so I could savor the smell of freshly manufactured metal, glass, and plastic as I lifted my glorified piece of machinery out of its wrappings. As is obvious at this point, I'm pretty happy with my lappy. 

here is a happy apple to demonstrate myself.

        Moving on, tonight was my last night at Pineapple Willy's. It was briefly melancholy clocking out. I managed to escape without getting pied in the face, which is standard protocol for such events and that is a-ok with me. I had already gotten brutally attacked with whipped cream and pickles three times this week prior to tonight.

evil pickle

        In case you are beginning to wonder whether Fibby has bit the dust and I'm just covering it up by revolving all of my recent blog post around myself and various crapola, she is purrfectly fine. Although she is getting a little peeved as of late since she has been a prisoner of my room for the past two days. My aunt, whom is deathly allergic to cats, is in town. l treated her for her patience and good behavior in light of unfortunate circumstances with a cute dress... and plenty of "Sweet Temptations" cat treats. 

cutie patootie

        I wasn't sure at first about whether to get the dress for her or not because I didn't want to be one of those asshole cat ladies that forces her cat to wear ridiculous outfits that make them miserable... but I have to admit at some point or another that I have evolved into a crazy cat lady and it was just so utterly adorable. I was planning on putting it on and seeing if she was pissed or not and then deciding whether or not to return it and to my amazement and delight, it had literally no effect on her. She was not even fazed by the process of putting it on which is weird because Fibby is not the kind of cat who typically is chill... about anything. She normally reacts to every aspect of life as if her dying day were seconds away and she snitched on the kitty mafia or something. So that's good news. 



Anonymous said...

Please remove the foul language.

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